Why African Fashion Packaging Is Important

When it comes to African fashion packaging, it is just as important as the product. Designers spend so much time fine tuning their product to make sure it meets all the required specifications and that is great. However, packaging should not be ignored because it also says something about your brand and it should only speak positively. Customers feel special when they receive a beautiful package in the mail or leave the store with something lovely hanging from their arms. Even though it often kicks in at the last stage of the sales process, good packaging keeps the conversation going long after the customer has left the store. Therefore, it’s safe to say that product packaging ties into how you as a brand interact with your customers and keep their attention.

Brand messaging: Here are some questions to ask yourself: What is your brand identity? What is the specific message you want to leave with your customers? How do you want them to feel as a result of coming in contact with your brand? Everything from the colours you select to the fonts your choose to the materials you pick will form an impression in the mind of your customer and may be the reason they are attracted to what you have to offer. For example, if you want to distinguish yourself as a sustainable or eco-luxury brand, you might want to consider using green, recyclable materials for your product and packaging. Eco-conscious consumers will naturally gravitate towards that.

Differentiation: While you are thinking about your brand messaging, ponder on the fact that many African fashion designers use print fabrics in their designs. These fabrics are not entirely exclusive to one particular person or group so there is bound to be duplication. So then, what makes you different from another designer who has used the very same fabric as you? Apart from the fact that the clothing style or product might be different, there is not much distinction between the two offerings. This is where you want to rely on your packaging to do for you what the product might not. Your package must be different from others, easily to recognize and that will ultimately set you apart from other brands who are doing similar things as you.

Product quality: Remember that a package ought to be an honest reflection of the product. When people see your product in its package, they will immediately decide if they would want to open it to see what is inside or not. If it is too cheap, the consumer will be reluctant about referring your brand to someone else let alone buying from you again. Likewise, it shouldn’t be too extravagant than the product itself. There must be a healthy balance between the product and the package. Customers are wise and they will know when you have compromised the quality of your brand packaging just because you want to save a buck.

Hire a professional: Personally, I would suggest hiring a design firm to handle your design right from the beginning using the same criteria to develop both the product and the packaging. So for example, the logo branding on your clothing labels should match the design on the package itself and so on. Choose your colours carefully and with purpose. Ensure the colours are consistent and consider your target audience when developing your concepts. African fashion is colourful in general so there is a lot of wiggle room when considering the use of colour. However, making the package too colourful can confuse your brand message. Nevertheless, a professional will be able to accurately advise you on these types of decisions.

Photo source: Pinterest

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Jamila Kyari

Jamila Kyari is a communications manager with 15+ years of experience and an extensive, diverse portfolio to enable you to connect with audiences and convert them to desired actions. Follow on social media and subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates on industry trends and much more!

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  1. August 15, 2017 / 4:30 pm

    Very valid tips, dear. Hiring a professional is crucial. Trying to do it all will only break you. Any business person could benefit from these tips.

    • Jamila
      August 15, 2017 / 9:53 pm

      Hello Precious!

      You’re right. Many solopreneurs are trying to do it all alone and that is where they are getting it wrong. It is useful and more efficient to outsource certain things especially anything that involves design.

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