
Self-Care Tips to Help You Beat the Winter Blues this Season

It’s that time of the year again when the winter blues starts creeping in. We’re experiencing shorter days and longer nights in parts of Canada,…

Healthy Habits: Reasons Why Journaling is Good for You

Let’s discover what journaling really is and how to reap its maximum benefits. You may not have an innate writing streak but might be curious…

Physical Fitness for Women Involves Maximizing Your Muscle

Physical fitness is universally acknowledged as a cornerstone of overall health and well-being. However, maintaining physical fitness for women goes beyond the surface-level advantages of…

Key Steps to Love Your Body As You See It In the Mirror

*Sponsored post – Loving our bodies, feeling free to wear fun and fitted clothes and being grounded in endless amounts of confidence can seem like…

Becoming a Vibrant Person by Slowing Down in Life

Are you the one who always loves sprinting into action and is never still? I was once like that a few years ago too! Consider…

8 Self-Care Strategies for Surviving a Pandemic

Now more than ever, self-care is on the top of people’s minds. Though we’re all in the pandemic together, taking care of ourselves is still…

Attain Your Health and Wellness Goals this Season

In many parts of the world, people are working from home under very tight restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic and this social isolation has…

How to Maintain Your Peace of Mind Everyday

2020 has been very interesting, full of ebbs and flows in what I think is safe to be called the most turbulent and challenging year…

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Mental health is a taboo topic in many parts of the world, especially in certain conservative cultures but this ought not to be so. We…

Dogs: The Best Natural Remedy for Anxiety

*Sponsored Post – Looking for a way to naturally treat your anxiety? It’s as easy as heading to your local shelter and finding a new…

Why You Should Join a Fitness Class This Year

Apart from the obvious fact that it is good for your health, there are many reasons why you should join a fitness class. If you are…

Simple Self-Care Secrets to Sustain You

Having a weekly self-care routine can help you stay cool, calm and relaxed but yet, women often forget to take care of themselves. When I think…

Aveda Comforting Tea for Self-Care

Aveda Comforting Tea is tasty, therapeutic and timeless. When I think of self care, the first thing that comes to mind is not a relaxing…