Why You Should Join a Fitness Class This Year

Apart from the obvious fact that it is good for your health, there are many reasons why you should join a fitness class. If you are always in a sedentary position, your new year resolution should be to keep your body moving. According to a recent survey by Statistics Canada, only 15% of adults were meeting the threshold for moderate to vigorous physical activity and 150 minutes per week. This is pretty alarming and the long-term implications could be fatal for the one who wants to maintain a healthy weight not to mention a trim waistline. In light of this reality, I took the plunge and joined a fitness class this year because it was long overdue.

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More so, one look in the mirror and I noticed that I was beginning to pack on the pounds in all the wrong places. I didn’t want it to get any worse than it already was. This time, I joined a Zumba dance fitness class instead of joining the gym. There are so many benefits of joining a fitness class rather than getting a gym membership. However, it is important to remember that this is not just about weight loss. There are other things that fitness can do for your body and mind in addition to improving overall health and wellness.

The class I joined is called StudioFuzion and is predominantly full of women, although there are a few men who attend. The people who come attend are of various shapes and sizes and they are there for a variety of reasons. Like I said, this is not just about weight loss alone but if this interests you, then you might want to discuss with your doctor before you begin. The health benefits of keeping your body moving are tremendous.

Improves the Mood 

Consider some physical activity whenever you need an emotional lift. You can always look forward to a tension releasing workout anytime that you have had a super stressful day. When you exercise, you release chemicals called endorphins in the body that make you feel better. This is because the endorphins reduce your perception of pain and stress. A brisk walk in the part or a run in your neighbourhood will also do great wonders in boosting your emotional health and wellness.

Increases Energy Levels

Are you always feeling tired all the time? You might need an energy boost in the form of a good workout session. Since I started working out at the beginning of year, my energy has skyrocketed. I am never tired or sluggish and I hardly get that mid-afternoon slump at work. This could be the same experience for you. I encourage you to keep a diary when you begin working out and monitor the different changes in your energy levels throughout the day.

Keeps your mind sharp

Having a regular fitness routine can keep your mind sharp and steady. If you are a writer like me then you know how important it is for the brain to stay functioning at its optimum level. I need to feel alert and inspired everyday in order to produce my best work. Before I started my regular fitness routine, my brain would start to feel foggy after 2 p.m. and my body would start craving caffeine. These days, I just power through the morning and afternoon easily.

Helps with health and weight loss 

Burning calories can help you lose excess weight and shed some pounds. I enjoy my Zumba fitness class because it is mainly based on dance moves. It does not feel like exercise and yet I get a solid full body workout that engages almost every part of my body. Although it would be nice for me to drop a few sizes immediately, I am also interested in maintaining a healthy heart rate so that I just don’t lose weight and add it all back again but progressively sculpt and tone my body over time. Physical activity through Zumba allow me to do just that.

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What things do you do to keep your body moving; how do you plan to keep fit this year? 

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Jamila Kyari

Jamila Kyari is a communications manager with 15+ years of experience and an extensive, diverse portfolio to enable you to connect with audiences and convert them to desired actions. Follow on social media and subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates on industry trends and much more!

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  1. January 21, 2019 / 8:22 pm

    Workouts keep your body in shape and is good for the health as well. I totally agree on all the benefits!

    xx Simone
    Little Glittery Box

    • Jamila
      January 22, 2019 / 4:10 pm

      Glad that you agree! Like minds think the same…

  2. January 25, 2019 / 4:23 am

    I need to join a fitness class because my stomach is getting bigger. 🙂

    • Jamila
      January 25, 2019 / 4:30 am

      Hey there, Kudos on your new commitment to joining a fitness class. It will yield great benefits for you. I also encourage you to measure the circumference of your waist at the beginning and during your journey. By so doing, you will be able to look back and see how far you have come along the way.

  3. Gabrielle
    January 25, 2019 / 3:31 pm

    All of the points you’ve mentioned are fabulous reasons to join a fitness class! It’s amazing just how much exercise can improve our mood too – especially in winter! 🙂

    aglassofice.com x

    • Jamila
      January 25, 2019 / 10:12 pm

      Exercising in winter is the key! I tend to add weight during the colder months and I am sure this is the same for most. It’s so difficult to keep fit when the weather is cold but I am definitely trying my best. 🙂

    • Jamila
      January 27, 2019 / 3:07 am

      Nice! Cycling is also a good one. I remember going on the bike when I used to go to the gym. It’s better than the treadmill in some cases.

  4. February 19, 2019 / 6:02 pm

    I miss exercising. I’ve just been too tired to get up early and do it. I’m the kind of person that has to get it out of the way in the morning, or else I won’t do it at all.


    • Jamila
      February 21, 2019 / 2:39 am

      Hi Berry!

      It can be quite a challenge working out in the morning as getting out of bed is almost always a constant struggle with me. Luckily, I go for their evening classes. I totally get what you mean about getting it out of the way before the day gets busy. I hope you find some other times in your schedule that will work for you.

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