Becoming a Vibrant Person by Slowing Down in Life

Are you the one who always loves sprinting into action and is never still? I was once like that a few years ago too! Consider that life is a marathon, which can be run in a slow and steady pace in order not to crash and burn from too much momentum. On this blog, I talk about living vibrantly through fashion, beauty and lifestyle but it is also best achieved by slowing down in life to enjoy your existence, relishing the moments that take your breath away and completely basking in the overall awesomeness. This type of inner work is so worth it. These days, the latest inventions of modern technology have made us so distracted to the point where we are stressed from living a fast-paced and hectic lifestyle — rushing to work in a hurry, eating meals in front of a screen device and multi-tasking at work without achieving much. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. There is a better way.


Leading a slower-paced life could mean taking the time to bask in the beauty of the morning sunrise, being intentional with the way you spend your time and becoming more present in the company of other people, such as friends and family. The truth is that slowing down in life can make you appreciate being alive and also lead to higher levels of peace, happiness and content. There is beauty in being mindful, to carefully curate your life by design in a way that enables you to enjoy it without ever feeling like life is passing you by. If you are constantly on the go and all your responsibilities are leaving you tired or stressed, you’ll want to continue reading.

Recently, I experienced the perfect example of slowing down in life. I packed my bags and left to the countryside with a good friend. It was a two-hour drive in Ontario and we had a really relaxing week, which consisted of basking under the sun, taking long walks on the beach, hiking in the woods, reading an interesting book, watching the sunset and eating mindfully. Everything was beautiful and perfect. Most of all, I noticed that my mind was not racing with thoughts. I was able to think clearly, vividly and imaginatively. The feeling felt warm and fuzzy like finally coming home at the end of a long day. It was not as if I had never taken the time to slow down but this particular road trip took slowing down in life to a whole new dimension for me. As I slowed to do all of these things mentioned earlier, I could not help but wonder how I could bring this experience back with me and into my life in the city.

In this article, I am attempting to show you how I plan to make slowing down in life a habit and a more frequent occurrence in my life. Despite the fact that hard work is important, I am making the effort to work smart instead. You can also try these tips out and see how it works out for you. Now that you get the gist, let’s consider three essential tips for slowing down in life!

Simply your life by doing less tasks

Do you find yourself juggling a bunch of priorities and responsibilities at the same time? Saying NO can actually be a lifesaver to helping you slow down in life. There might be some wisdom in dropping a couple of those obligations so that you can pay attention on you. This is because you cannot pour from an empty cup. Staying rested and replenished ensures that you have enough to give of yourself to others. And even if you cannot get away from having a lot of tasks, then make sure to schedule enough space between each task for a break. Focus on one thing at a time and do it well until it is completely finished before moving to the next thing. You might think that I am running away from stepping up to the plate but I often avoid getting involved in any engagements and activities that do not add to my well-being on purpose. Yes, doing things for others is important and in this, I would insist that maintaining a healthy balance is key so that you don’t eventually get burnt out. Ultimately, slowing down in life could also mean make your to-do list shorter and that is something you can also think about.

Unplug from screen device and other gadgets

Every once in a while, I make it a duty to unplug from all my devices. Sometimes, this could mean turning off the mobile phone at 9:00pm (includes putting it on vibrate/silent) or taking breaks from social media and even as far as a complete vacation without going on my laptop. Avoid checking work emails in the after hours during the week and on weekends. When you do check them, practice prioritizing and schedule the task so it is manageable. The benefits of unplugging from devices is that it reduces the pressure and stress of having to respond to every single call, text message, email or get carried away by browsing the internet at the expense of your own rest and relaxation. It also enables you to be present and focused when in the company of people you care about.

Become one with nature and the outdoors

Being out in nature is soothing and has many mental health benefits that I feel it should become a health prescription. Whenever I need to clear my mind, put on my thinking cap or get my creative juices flowing, I take a brisk walk and most especially in the summer. Don’t be the person that commutes back and forth to work everyday, getting stuck in traffic for hours everyday only to work and also live in a concrete jungle called the big city without ever walking in the woods or getting enough vitamin D from sunshine. When you can, do your workout outside — ride a bike, run a few miles, walk 10,000 steps, play sports and more. Observe your surroundings and take in the beauty of living things that surround you. Consider not just the look but also your relationship to the environment.

Develop a daily spiritual activity to keep you grounded

I personally believe that everyone on earth is on a spiritual journey and I recommend having a morning or evening routine that consists of journaling for reflection or being grateful. This includes meditating on things that bring joy, wisdom, faith and direction. Prayer is also a good way to ask God for supernatural help throughout the day. When things get overwhelming and threaten to spiral out of control, you can count on your spiritual edification to give you both the will and inner strength required to cope. Life is not always easy but it can be bearable.

In all of this, remember that slowing down needs to become a lifestyle habit for the benefits to be evident and not a one-time thing or a scattered series of events. You will need to pursue this new way of being with careful intention and a lot of patience. Most times, I have to practice proper time management and stay motivated to do the work-related things that matter the most in order to make room for the non-work related activities that are just as relevant. Meanwhile, below are more highlights from my vacation and road trip to give you some ideas for a getaway!

Which of these tips mentioned above do you think you are going to practice in order to slow down and live a more vibrant life?

Enjoy these photos from the trip!


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Jamila Kyari

Jamila Kyari is a communications manager with 15+ years of experience and an extensive, diverse portfolio to enable you to connect with audiences and convert them to desired actions. Follow on social media and subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates on industry trends and much more!

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