Truth be told. You can enjoy a vibrant social life even if you don’t have a big circle of friends and this is real for many, including myself. Dating as far back as I can remember and before social media came along, I have never been the kind of person to keep a huge number friends, let alone join a clique. My inner circle is very small. I thrive in one-on-one relationships and I don’t mind the occasional group setting but I’m an introvert. When I find myself in a group, I make the most of the situation and become a little extroverted as the need arises. This doesn’t mean I don’t find group social activities a bit draining. My happy place is finding a good balance between both.
Sometimes, we look for validation in the wrong places and this can set us up for failure, leaving us emotionally drained and frustrated. We need to look up to the brilliant women in our lives and believe that the sum of our female friendships is stronger than any hardship or difficulty we will ever face. Our relationships, our health and well-being, and our success. It’s all interconnected and woven together. Therefore, we need quality female friendships to survive and thrive.
Even though I function better in twos, my social life is healthy, thriving and far from lack-lustre. I get to do many interesting things with my friends that place a strong emphasis on deepening the bonds. So, I am active and engaged on various levels when it comes to outings or events. Just because I don’t share about it on social media doesn’t mean it did not happen. For this year’s Galentine’s Day, which is a time to celebrate platonic connection amongst women on the day before Valentine’s day, these are all of the ways I am planning on honouring female friendship.
Ways to Celebrate Female Friendship on Galentine’s Day and Everyday
Enjoy your own company to enjoy that of others
First things first. Being alone is not the exact same thing as lonely. When you are alone, it means solitude but being lonely can translate into the lack of human connection where you do not feel seen or heard for who you are. It is important to understand that you cannot enjoy the company of another person without enjoying yours first. If you cannot stand your own presence, that might be an indication of how you will be perceived in a social scenario. I try to spend a lot of quality time being alone and doing the things that develop my character and personality over time. The idea is to be at one with yourself and find a sense of refreshing and contentment with your own life, growing in ways that only you can. When this happens, you will always be interesting to others, with your life taking on a path of its own and not necessarily being determined by or revolving around others. It has taken me a while to learn all of this wisdom but I am so glad I have evolved into the woman that I am today.
Make the other person you are celebrating a top priority
Everyone wants to be treated with kindness and feel like they matter. Foster an atmosphere or environment that encourages laughter and connection between you and the other person. Make sure there is no room for judgement. While you are at it, find out what matters most to them in the here and now. Take it one step further and explore ways to support them and their aspirations with your time, treasure and talent. Your our quality time is an amazing thing and can make them feel important and valued. By offering up your treasures as gifts, you are able to provide them with a token of your appreciation for their friendship and all the times they’ve been there for you. Through acts of service, you make sure you are helping them in getting certain errands done, taking care of things they need help with and which they would feel relieved if it were handled by a trustworthy and reliable person like you.
Explore new and creative interests together
This point is not just about taking up new hobbies only. It’s about the activities that make you come alive. Depending on the length and depth of the friendship, you can make a commitment to provide support for certain areas of life and be accountable to one another for your goals. At the beginning of the year, one goal of mine was to grow my creative passion for copywriting and some friends are supporting me (each one in varying degrees) through this meticulous process of everything, from structuring my offers, right down to professional networking, and working with clients. Likewise, I am doing the same for them, to the best of my ability and according to how they would want me to get involved. It is certainly not a one-time event. We are in it for the long haul and if everything works out according to the plan, we will all be successful at the end. In the same vein, it is good to journey with your friend through the times of their lives – both rosy and not so great while pursuing creative outlets like reading or conversation, journaling and cooking or even on a more professional level where work and business is involved. There are actually no hard and fast rules. There is no need to be rigid. Explore and support one another as the time and space allows.
To strengthen bonds, avoid making comparisons
Competition is a friendship killer. Life is not a race of who is looking and doing the best. It’s not about who is out every weekend having a good time. Neither does the world revolve around the one who has the most material possessions. Move at your pace and focus on what works for you, paying particular attention to the person you are becoming in the process. Many of my friends are older and well accomplished. This reality inspires and encourages to achieve but never for once have I envied the success of others. Everyone is on a journey and it looks different for each person depending on when they started and where they are in life. All our circumstances are all different but that doesn’t mean that one person is more favoured over the other. For this reason, acceptance and content is the cure for dissatisfaction in life. Resist the urge to compare and contrast yourself with others and you will most definitely be happier for it. Instead, create room for acceptance, loyalty and nurturing. Remember what I mentioned earlier about being there for one another in the moments that are not the greatest? Friends look out for each other. One research study from the National Library of Medicine shows that being in supportive relationships with female friends can result in heightened psychological and physical well-being. This study further states, “specifically, the stronger the friendships, the higher the self-esteem, hope, and social support.” Female empowernment in friendship can further the increased trust, mutual obligation and information sharing required for all parties to thrive with self-esteem being the emotional thermometer.
Specific Activities to Engage in for Galentine’s Day
- Take a girls’ trip to somewhere magical.
- Treat yourselves to a spa or pampering day.
- Host or attend a weekend brunch party.
- Movie night watching old shows and sitcoms.
- Engage in a planned event e.g. paint night.
On Galentine’s Day, how will you be spending your time?
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