How to Maintain Your Peace of Mind Everyday

2020 has been very interesting, full of ebbs and flows in what I think is safe to be called the most turbulent and challenging year yet due to the Corona virus pandemic. As the summer comes to a close, most economies have opened back up. With Back to School season just around the corner, things are about to get really busy again with kids prepping for their studies and parents scrambling to make arrangements for theirs kids’ distance learning needs. Businesses are also looking to bounce back up. Other establishments have been impacted to the point of no return. And everyone is wondering if the new normal is here to stay or if there really will be a second wave of the virus. It almost feels like its hard to plan for the future but while it may be difficult to make concrete projections about tomorrow, there are a few things you can do today to maintain your peace of mind and sanity as you move through tumultuous times. Keep reading to find out what they are.

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Accept Your Current Situation

Acceptance helps you to differentiate between what you can control and what you cannot. It enables you to stop worrying over things that are out of your realm of direct influence so you can focus on the stuff you are able to change. Many people find it very hard to accept their current circumstances, especially if it is not so favourable to them. No matter what you are going through today, the first step is to muster enough courage to accept the things you cannot change and hope that they will get better over time. Acceptance can transform your entire thought life as you learn to become a little bit more practical about the things you give your attention to. By focusing on what you can control, you will be better able to steer your life in the right direction while maintaining a sound mind.

Take Responsibility for Your Own Happiness

Ultimately, no one can make you happy because happiness is an inside job. However, you have to realize that nothing in your life will change until you do. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. If you want to have peace of mind, then you have to make a decision today to stop every action that is standing in the way of you and your tranquility. It might require a healthy dose of self-love and compassion. You might have to be more gentle and kind with yourself. Whatever the case might be, realize that you deserve to be happy and most times, that means taking the bull by the horns or the situation into your own hands. Examine your life, your thoughts and choices, then take responsibility for your outcomes.

Always Be True to Yourself

Going against your conscience is always a sure way to be unhappy in the long run. Have you ever found yourself thinking one thing and then you end up doing the exact opposite only to feel a deep sense of sadness and regret afterwards? This is what often happens when you do not stay true to yourself. Follow your inner convictions about your life. The voice within, your emotional compass and spiritual GPS is there for a reason – to guide you in doing the right thing that resonates best with the inner you. Being true to yourself involves not living up to the expectations of those around you or trying to be something that you are not. It means trusting yourself and knowing that you are capable of making the right decisions to make you happy.

Let Go of Your Expectations

One sure way to have peace of mind is to let go of your expectations of how things are supposed to be. When we expect things in our lives to turn out a certain way, we place parameters around how it is supposed to be and when the circumstances do not live up to our expectations, then our hope is dashed and we are upset. This sort of disappointment can lead to lack of inner peace. The same goes for our expectations about other people in our lives. For example, maybe you are a wife who wants your husband to act in a certain, defined way that you find pleasing to you. Well, when he does the opposite, you will begin to feel sad and resentful, which could lead to conflict and unrest. The best thing to do in such a situation is to let go of expectations by loving others freely and unconditionally.

Practice Being Still

Are you always busy? Leading a hectic lifestyle? You might need to slow down a little bit in order to assess the quality of life you are living. Be still and take stock of some simple things. Ask yourself questions that will help you really discover if you love your current job or enjoy your relationship and so on. One of the benefits of being still is that it quiets your mind from racing thoughts – a state of mind which is necessary for peace to prevail. There are practices that help promote stillness such as prayer, meditation, relaxation, self-care and exercise. Take some time to indulge in any of these to promote stillness in your life.

What other requirement do you think is needed to maintain your peace of mind?

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Jamila Kyari

Jamila Kyari is a communications manager with 15+ years of experience and an extensive, diverse portfolio to enable you to connect with audiences and convert them to desired actions. Follow on social media and subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates on industry trends and much more!

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  1. September 6, 2020 / 2:17 pm

    Great post so necessary right now. I try to do all of the above plus keeping things in perspective.

    • Jamila
      September 6, 2020 / 5:42 pm

      Hello Anitra,

      It means a lot to me that you feel this post is both timely and necessary. I am glad to be meeting a need. Yes, keeping things in perspective is also very important as well as having the right attitude.

  2. September 20, 2020 / 3:56 am

    Hon, I clicked on this link so fast! During these corona times, self care and mental health are ever-so important. Thanks for the tips, I especially abide by the ones encouraging us to be responsible for our own happiness and acceptance. Have a great week ahead, Xo

    • Jamila
      September 21, 2020 / 2:01 am

      Hello Biki,

      Thanks for stopping by. I am so happy that you found this article useful. Yes, mental self-care is important right now more than ever!

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