Keys to Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

We live in a culture that glorifies the hustle, where being extremely busy and booked is a sign of success. However, the problem with this school of thought is that it undermines the power of stress and the burnout it can cause. It can even rid you of your peace of mind. The more I think about it, the more it seems that life is sometimes one big ball of busy-ness. In all of this, it is important to take a step back, pause and give thanks. It is a great time to be alive. Why not be thankful for that? Being grateful is good for both your mind and body. It can regulate your stress levels and help you sleep better at night. There are so many ways to practice an attitude of gratitude but here are a few.

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Keep a Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal can be a place of important reflection for all the things in your life that you are fortunate to have been blessed with. The freedom of expression that comes from writing in a journal can help you reminisce your positive experiences while dealing with the negative ones. It offers a lot of emotional release that most find beneficial, especially myself. There are different types of journals out there. Some can be used for work to track and improve your productivity while others are just for exactly what it ought to be – writing. There is no one way to keep a journal. You can write, draw, scribble in it on just about anything that comes to your mind. What matters most is that your journal is a special haven for your thoughts, emotions and hopefully becomes a place of clarity and feedback.

Practice Patience in Tough Times

Dealing with negativity? Try to be patient when things are not going right. Instead on dwelling on what is going wrong, focus on what is going right. Realize that in life, it is quite normal to experience ups and downs but know that these experiences do not define us. You are much more than whatever you might be going through right now. Just take a deep breath and do some things that will take your attention off the negativity such as going for a relaxing walk or listening to some calming music. Do whatever you can not to react in the middle of a bad situation as it could only make things worse. By being patient, you are willing to see the bright side and thus, will be better able to navigate out of the circumstances in which you might have found yourself.

Appreciate People in Your Life

When was the last time you said “thank-you” to your mom, spouse, teacher or a colleague? It is easy to take people for granted until you realize how important they are.  No one is an island and we are all interdependent beings. We need each other to get by. Think of all the times you could not do it on your own and how someone else was there for you in a time of need. Cherish those moments by sending a card, letter or even a text message to let that person know you are genuinely grateful for their presence in your life. After doing this, notice what happens next when you give them your undivided attention. They will be nourished and inspired to do even more. Dealing with people in general is not always easy but the more we appreciate each other especially at a time like this, the happier the world will be.

Slow Down and Smell the Roses

Sometimes, life gets so complicated and we discover that we are always in a hurry – hurrying to get somewhere and do things. This is type of doing can lead to life passing us by and then we realize that we have not taken the time to cherish the good times because we were so busy rushing. Take stock of all the things that are going perfectly well and then pause to take it all in. Realize how blessed and fortunate you are compared to some others who might not necessarily have what you currently do. Your situation could be worse but thankfully, there will be other things to be happy about. Relish those things and bask in the beauty that they provide you with. For example, if you are eating your favourite meal, just pause before and ponder on the fact that someone in some part of the world has nothing to eat. Also, there are people who are so sick in their health they cannot feed themselves. Consider and be grateful for everything you are blessed with.

How do you usually cultivate an attitude of gratitude and what are some things you are grateful for?

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Jamila Kyari

Jamila Kyari is a communications manager with 15+ years of experience and an extensive, diverse portfolio to enable you to connect with audiences and convert them to desired actions. Follow on social media and subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates on industry trends and much more!

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  1. December 16, 2019 / 3:34 pm

    Ah very true. I try to meditate 3-5 days a week. It helps to a degree. But indeed this is the time of year for reflection and slowing down a bit.

    Allie of

    • Jamila
      December 16, 2019 / 5:39 pm

      It is quite impressive that you meditate 3-5 days a week. I think that is a very sound spiritual practice. Kudos to you for that!

  2. December 17, 2019 / 9:32 am

    Oh, this was a great post and hard one to swallow with this dreadful year coming to an end. Gratitude often gets put aside when everything seems crazy. Smiling is definitely something I’m working on. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Jamila
      December 17, 2019 / 10:59 pm

      I like the part you mentioned about smiling. I never thought of that before. I can imagine it’s hard to put on a smile when there is so much going on but it can make everything seem much lighter…

  3. December 17, 2019 / 1:04 pm

    We really do as a society glorify being busy and “productive” all the time, even if that means lots of stress. You’re right that focusing on being grateful in life really can make a big difference! I love the idea of keeping a gratitude journal. And this is great time of year to slow down and reflect on all we have to be grateful for.

    x Kara |

    • Jamila
      December 17, 2019 / 11:12 pm

      Those are all wonderful and great points you have mentioned there! I have known about the gratitude journal for a long time. Some people keep a gratitude jar instead but the concept is basically the same.

    • Jamila
      December 17, 2019 / 11:07 pm

      It’s something I try to remind myself about often these days especially as the year is coming to a quick end. I have to slow down more and be grateful for everything. Glad this post inspired you!

    • Jamila
      December 18, 2019 / 9:19 am

      Sure. You are welcome!

    • Jamila
      December 19, 2019 / 1:03 pm

      You know, it is always a good thing when you are able to hear the right words of encouragement at the right time. Definitely no time for negativity!

  4. Melissa Kacar
    December 20, 2019 / 1:42 am

    This post is so helpful! It’s so important to slow down and reflect on what’s most important in life! I’ve found that journaling really helps with that! Thanks for sharing your tips! 🙂

    • Jamila
      December 20, 2019 / 6:51 am

      This holiday, I plan on slowing down a lot! So much of the year has passed with me running on full blast. Time for change. Glad you are also thinking of reflection as it helps put many things in perspective.

    • Jamila
      December 20, 2019 / 6:54 am

      Every single time I write a post, I wonder how it is going to resonate with the reader. Good to know it makes so much sense to you!

    • Jamila
      December 22, 2019 / 5:42 am

      Wonderful! Wishing you a very festive season as well. Enjoy the holidays!

    • Jamila
      December 23, 2019 / 11:52 am

      I am glad that I was able to inspire you!

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