8 Self-Care Strategies for Surviving a Pandemic

Now more than ever, self-care is on the top of people’s minds. Though we’re all in the pandemic together, taking care of ourselves is still a one-person job. This article will provide you with some self-care tips you can use to improve your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. To be effective, self-care needs to fit into your lifestyle. Like with exercise, if you’re never going to run  a marathon, there’s no point in making that the goal. It’s essential to find something you love if you’re  going to stick with it.

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If yoga is more your cup of tea, then yoga it is. If kayaking is, then go kayaking.  The same goes for self-care. Focus on activities that fill you up, and leave the others behind. Please  don’t make it a job. Turn an “I have to” into an “I get to.” While reading through these self-care ideas, notice how they make you feel. If you light up just  thinking about it, that’s an indication it’s a good fit. On the other hand, if you feel tired while contemplating the idea, leave it aside.

The Self-Care Menu 

Think of the following self-care options like a menu. Pick and choose. Just be aware of what causes  you to shy away from certain ones. If you have the capacity, ask yourself what causes you to feel  alive or depleted by the various options. Unpacking your response will help you determine the “why”  behind your reactions. Compare this to healthy eating. You may want to eat well but shy away from  vegetables. By understanding what’s behind your dislike of vegetables, you can implement a plan.  You may feel they take too long to prepare. Finding quick solutions like buying frozen veggies that  only require steaming may be all that’s needed. The insights you glean will help you make positive  decisions.

  1. Read. Find books on subjects you enjoy. Whether fiction or non-fiction, reading for fun or  learning, you can enrich your life with a good book. You can even listen to audiobooks rather  than read through various apps.
  2. Listen to music. Find music that lifts your spirits. Explore various genres, even ones you  haven’t considered before. Listen while making dinner, driving to the grocery store, or as you  exercise.
  3. Connect with others. This is a tricky one during a pandemic; however, there are ways to  connect on a deep level, even during lock-down restrictions. Call a loved one on the phone or  over Zoom and give them your full attention. Light a candle, dim the lights and put on some  soft music. One of the most significant challenges facing us these days is focusing. Creating a  relaxing atmosphere where you can concentrate on the other person will enhance your relationships. Another way to foster connectedness is being active together while physically  distancing and following protocols. Walk in a park, hike at a nearby nature preserve, or  snowshoe in a green space. Once winter ends, the options increase dramatically.
  4. Go inward. Spending time with yourself may be one of the most essential pieces of self-care.  Journal your feelings, write about your goals, read spiritual writings, and pray. Digging deep  and processing your thoughts and emotions can bring a new level of freedom.
  5. Get involved. While the world looks different, there are still many opportunities to be a part  of something bigger than yourself. Look into options through your local community centre,  church, or YMCA. Making a difference can light a flame of joy.
  6. Eat well. Reframe the notion of healthy eating toward nourishing your beautiful self. If you’re  athletic, reframe it as fuelling your body. Whatever you do, prepare simple, wholesome  meals that make you feel great.
  7. Get creative. Think about what you loved to do as a kid. What brought you joy? Choose to  reengage creative expression for the sheer pleasure of it. Consider dancing, painting, writing,  or making elaborate meals. Whatever you do, take time to enjoy it without any thought of  what you “should” be doing. By giving your mind a break, you’ll find relaxation.
  8. Mindfulness. About an hour before bed, take ten minutes to wind down. Get in a  comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your face, and focus on your breath. Thoughts  will rush in, but just let them go and refocus on the life-giving breath coming into and out of  your body. If you feel too distracted, use this time to write down what comes to mind. I call  this the “mind-dump.” By getting the distractions on paper, you’ll prevent them from keeping  you awake a night.

The world can feel overwhelming at times, but by taking good care of yourself, you’ll have the  capacity to give toward the things that matter and find joy in the midst of it.

About the Author

Bonita Eby is a Burnout Prevention Strategist, Executive Coach, and the owner of Breakthrough  Personal & Professional Development Inc., specializing in burnout prevention and wellness for  organizations and individuals. Her professional healthcare background combines with 20 years of experience developing  leaders, training teams, and coaching people to become the best they can be. Breakthrough is the first wellness company at the intersection of health and leadership  development. 

Connect with Bonita Eby online: Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

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